Welcome to The Academy of Medical Cannabis – the globally leading institute for clinical training and research in cannabis-based medicinal products.

Our comprehensive series of evidence-based modular courses are designed to provide clinicians across the world with open access to the vital teaching required to allow them to operate with CBMPs, and help their patients.

The Academy of Medical Cannabis provides an expansive and deep education in cannabis-based medicinal products and their related therapies. By working through our series of modules, you will be preparing yourself to actively consult with patients around these medicines, and where appropriate write prescriptions with the necessary grounding of knowledge and understanding.

You will need to continually refresh and update this training, in line with the requirements for medical practitioners of every school of medicine. Emerging research and continued developments will also allow us to proactively grow our content in real time.

Although aimed at clinicians, many parents and patients have used this as a great tool to better understanding the ECS and how cannabis could help their condition.