


Every little goes to supporting families

By donating to Medcan Support you are giving a gift that directly helps families of chronically ill children who are left in desperate situations.

For some families it literally means paying for medication to keep their child alive. Around 30,000 children in the UK suffer from daily, often life-threatening seizures, that cannot be controlled by standard medications. The only thing that works to stop the seizures are pioneering, cannabinoid medications. But at the moment, that’s only an option for those who can raise the funds to get them privately. It’s taking many families to the brink financially and forcing others to turn to the illicit market. Times are tough right now, but if you can please help by donating

We provided £100 grants to families over Christmas 2022, this is Amy a parent who we supported.

"A huge thank you to MedCan for blessing our family with such a generous gesture. Financing a child with severe medical disabilities, one of which is a life limiting condition, is often very challenging. So this £100 gift card will be so helpful to ease that burden just a bit, and at a time where it is so needed. Thank you!"

Would you like to do more?
Your regular support in the form of a monthly donation makes even more difference for the families who use our services and could help a parent access the support, learning and advice they need to help them in making the most informed choices for their child and to know they are not alone. It also goes towards research and building the evidence base which is crucial to allowing NHS wide access.

You can donate in one of two ways by clicking links below ;


Online donations through our website will soon be available using stripe payments.

If you prefer, you can still donate by cheque made payable to Medcan Support CIC and sent to Medcan Support, 4 Foster Close, Brundall, NR13 5QU.





Community Interest Company 13392814